deer call assembled
deer call guts/no barrels
above is one of our deer calls in the various colors offered in many of
our plastic parts. These colors are from
left to right: Amber, Smoke, Black and Green. Shown here is our lanyard
which is optional and not included
in complete call. Add $1.00 per lanyard and please include part # when
ordering (901 lan).
Please include all part # in description when ordering!
Above in foreground are deer call parts. From left to right
grooved reed holder (129 der)
wedge (108 der) $0.20 individual
parts page
o ring (401 der)
reed (301 der) $0.15 available in 0.010 black or
white mylar(most common)
Barrel ( 130 der) $0.60 available in Amber, smoke, black and green
Small Barrel (102 der) $0.60
in Amber, smoke, black and green
Extension Hose (801 ext) $0.75
order (deer call 130) if you want complete call
Total deer call unassembled (deer call 130) $2.80